Recognition Measures for Examination Qualification of Registered Ship Surveyor (Ships and Marine Facilities Category)

Based on article 36 ofThe Provisional Regulations for the Registered Ship Surveyor (No.8 [2006]), the following measures are set up:

Qualifications for Examination

Personnel engaged in ship survey work for a long time, abiding by the constitution, laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, observing professional morality, being healthy, meeting the following basic requirements and of corresponding grade, can apply for the examination of registered ship surveyor (ships and marine facilities category).

1.1 Basic Requirements

Personnel who worked in ship survey organizations before Mar. 1st, 2006, or engaging in ship survey work (the survey of ship and offshore facilities, container and fishing ships, and approving of relevant map and technical documents) and relative work (ship construction, maritime administration and shipping) for no less than 4 years can apply for the examination.

(All information published in this website is authentic in Chinese. English is provided for reference only.)