The 15th China-Korea Maritime Accident Investigation Cooperation Conference was successfully held in Xiamen

On June 6, 2024, the 15th China-Korea Maritime Accident Investigation Cooperation Conference, hosted by the China Maritime Safety Administration and organized by the Fujian Maritime Safety Administration, was successfully held in Xiamen. Xu Wei, Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the China Maritime Safety Administration, and Ming Luxian, Chief Investigator of the South Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal, led delegations to attend the conference respectively.


Firstly, Xu Wei welcomed the arrival of the South Korean delegation, reviewed the history of maritime accident safety investigation cooperation between China and South Korea, and looked forward to the future development of maritime investigation between the two countries. He hoped to deepen cooperation and jointly improve the level of maritime investigation. Ming Luxian expressed gratitude for China's invitation and looked forward to further enhancing cooperation and exchanges between the two sides through this meeting, and achieving more fruitful results.
At the meeting, representatives from China and South Korea summarized and reviewed the cooperation in maritime accident safety investigation and the exchange of maritime investigators, as well as the achievements made. They shared their respective maritime accident data, latest investigation techniques, and findings over the past five years, with a focus on in-depth exchanges on the investigation of multiple accidents such as ship explosions, ship sinking, ship capsizing, and personnel injuries. During this period, both sides also based on the new situation and requirements of the development of international maritime investigations, reached consensus on strengthening normalized work exchanges, improving the quality and efficiency of maritime investigation cooperation, exploring the establishment of a tracking mechanism for the implementation of safety management suggestions, and better playing the role of maritime investigations in promoting maritime safety governance.


Xu Wei emphasized that both China and South Korea have jointly promoted cooperation in maritime investigation technology, strengthened exchanges among maritime investigators, and played an important role in enhancing regional maritime security governance capabilities. In the face of the new trend of green and low-carbon development in the shipping industry and the accelerated evolution of intelligent ships, both sides will have broader opportunities for cooperation in various fields and on a larger scale. It is hoped that both sides will work together to embark on a new journey of cooperation in maritime accident investigation between China and South Korea.
This meeting was the first on-site meeting on maritime investigation cooperation held by China and South Korea after the transition of the COVID-19, which not only enhanced communication and exchange, but also laid a solid foundation for further strengthening maritime investigation cooperation and improving the level of maritime investigation between the two countries.